Being A Woman In The Workplace

Being A Woman In The Workplace

The barriers that once prevented women from achieving parity with men in the corporate world are slowly but surely being dismantled. This is thanks in part to the many women who have fought for gender equality in the workplace.  Despite these advances, there is still...
Benefits Of Empowering Women

Benefits Of Empowering Women

Women’s empowerment has been shown to have several benefits, both for individual women and society as a whole. Women who are empowered are more likely to be healthy, educated, and employed. They are also more likely to participate in decision-making at home and...
Best Business Ideas For Women

Best Business Ideas For Women

As a woman, you have a lot of options when it comes to starting a business. However, not all businesses are created equal. Some businesses are more likely to be successful than others, and some businesses are better suited for women than others.  So, what is the...
Biggest Issues For Feminism Today

Biggest Issues For Feminism Today

The term ‘feminism’ has become increasingly popular in recent years, but it is still hotly contested. For some, it is a positive force for change; for others, it is an exclusive movement that is only interested in the rights of white, middle-class women. So, what are...
Challenges Faced By Women In Business

Challenges Faced By Women In Business

There is no doubt that women have come a long way in the business world. However, there are still many challenges that women face in the business world. From the gender pay gap to sexual harassment, women continue to face obstacles in the workplace.  In order to...